TPX offers FREE LISTINGS in our directories to any qualified company and enhanced listings that sort to the top and are accessible by anyone if you want to better PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY.
The following directories are accessible on-line at TPX:
TPX SOURCEBOOK - This lists every North American company (over 5,000) that manufacturers, sells (new or used) or services any type of graphic arts equipment or supplies.
TPX BUYER'S GUIDE - This lists over 3,000 companies that either provide printing or pre- or post-press services to printers and printing brokers, or who sell ad specialties for resale.
Please contact TPX to request more information about either directory.
TPX offers that following types of equipment ads:
TPX MARKETPLACE ADS - Want-to-buy ads are free! TPX subscribers also get free for-sale ads, but others may advertise a machine or some excess supplies - until it sells - in the TPX Marketplace for only $50.
TPX METRO EXPRESS ADS - Your Marketplace ads will appear on a space-available basis in your region's TPX Metro Express e-mail newsletter that lets all local printers know about equipment being sold by local printers.
TPX HOT DEALS - These ads get the maximum exposure by appearing on the special Hot Deal Ads page and cost $20/month until deleted (subscribers pay only $10/month). View Hot Deal Ads
- USED EQ SPECIALS that you want to SELL NOW!
- NEW EQ & SUPPLY COUPONS manufacturers or dealers want to offer to encourage more sales.
You may use our ADVERTISE EQ form to place your equipment or excess supplies ads now.
TPX also offers several off-line services which include the following:
TPX MAIL LIST SERVICES - Subscribers can use the TPX Subscriber System to load onto their computers any or all of TPX's mailing list of printers and trade shops with monthly updates for only $250/month (12 month minimum). Anyone can purchase any part of our list for $250/1,000 companies.
TPX'S REG CENTRAL - Owners and managers of printing companies and trade shops can use this service to request and renew free subscriptions to trade publications. Please contact TPX to request a Reg Central application.
To learn more about any of TPX's services and products, please review TPX'S Products, or contact TPX by e-mail or phone at 1-888-746-4186 or +1-404-321-3762.